one of a kind handmade ocean plastic jewelry cleaned up and created on beautiful Hawai'i
Aloha, I'm Alice.
And this is the story of A.B Seas
A family hobby of collected sea glass has been passed down through generations of my family and it's drawn me to the coast my entire life. As a child I started created jewelry out of my sea glass findings and the craft continuously called me to the sea. The ocean became my muse. I found answers in her white wash, questions in her vastness. Progressively over the years I started finding more trash than treasure, witness and experiencing the decline in my local ecosystem and it forever shifted my hunts. A glass jar for sea glass was soon accompanied by a bucket for ocean plastics. This is where A.B Seas purpose was born.

the adventure begins....
In my early 20s I spent 8 years hustling and selling my soul to the restaurant industry during busy summer seasons to support my impulsive habits for purchasing cheap flights to random parts of the world for unknown extended periods of time. The hospitality industry alone was constantly showing me the harsh reality of sustainability (or lack there of) especially with single-use plastics and this fueled my fire whenever I would take back off into the real world. Along these travels, I continued my sea glass hunts and beach clean ups and was constantly shocked by my experiences and findings. No matter where I went, plastic pollution was effecting everything. In 2017 while backpacking throughout South East Asia I fell in love with Thailand. My father inspired me to start diving, and soon I found myself living on Koh Tao working as a Dive Master, exploring above and below the surface. My love for the ocean was fierce and unexplainable, yet my discoveries were shaking me to my core as they only emphasized the harsh reality plastic pollution was playing on our planet and on all the places I was growing to love. What we were experiencing above the water was not even comparable to the destruction being discovered under the sea. I knew I needed to do something.
travel with purpose
I chased sea glass and ocean plastics around 36 different countries, participating in clean ups and selling my wire wrapped sea glass jewelry every chance I could. I soon started to get involved in local markets across the world, sharing my work with individuals from all over the planet, using my booth as a way to start conscious conversations surrounding plastic pollution. Determined to learn more, the exploration of our plastic epidemic caused me to dive into reef restoration, which later granted me the opportunity to move to Hawai'i to work with sharks. Shortly after, my heart and the ocean led me to the beautiful and mystical island of Hawai'i where all of my hopes, dreams and adventures have come full circle. When the world shut down due to COVID in 2020, the universe gifted me the stillness to start focusing my time and energy towards creating. But what? Prior to Hawai'i, I took a course in silversmithing and I fell in love with the craft. Daydreams of my own jewelry studio started taking over my minds eye, and eventually I caved and purchased my first silversmithing kit. My little tiny jungalow on the Big Island was transformed into my own personal jewelry studio, truly a dream come true. I just knew that the inspiration for my creations would come with patiences as I settled into my new environment. The following day I decided to explore the coast of my new home in search for some sea glass. Rather than finding sea treasures I was faced with a beach absolutely covered in microplastics. Throughout all of my travels and all of my clean ups, this was the worst I had ever seen in my life. The universe led me hear. That day I truly understood that nothing in this life is a coincidence. This piece of paradise, poisoned by plastic, was now my new back yard. I knew deep in my heart that I was guided to live next to this coast for a reason. In this exact moment the Ocean Droplet line that you see here was born. This jewelry line is devoted to giving a voice to the ocean. My mission is to take this trashy situation and show the world that we can make it into something beautiful.
I am so honored to share my creations with you! Unknowingly I have situated myself right next to one of the worlds most polluted beaches and am using it as my greatest source of inspiration. Because of this, my trust in the universe grows stronger every day, knowing I’m exactly where I need to be.
A.B Seas is now found in shops throughout the Hawaiian Islands and at local Big Island markets- and most recently our mission has started to ripple to the mainland! As A.B Seas grows, I now lead beach clean ups and also am expanding into the education system by sharing my work with local schools to inspire the youth!
This is only just the beginning and I am so honored to have you here. Let's make waves of change.
Love me and the sea,
xx AB